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Showing results 1 to 20 of 5731  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
197601_Confidentials Report-1976-77-
195310_B-1953-Papers on indo-Burma boundary, 1953-
194510_Tour Diary of Mr F. P. Mainprice I.C.S. Asstt Political Officer Lohit Valley Sub Agency 1945 (19-80)-
196211_b-1962- Land disputes between Nokrang(Nagaland) and Banfera(NEFA)- Settlement of, 1962-
194911_Tour Diary of Mr. R. G Menzies P.O. Subansiri Area for the Period from January to June 1949-
196312_B-1963-Inter-Divisional boundary between Subansiri and Siang frontier Division, 1963-
194412_Tour Diary of P.O Sadiya Frontier Tract 1944 (Page1-137) (map)-
196913_B-1969-Assam NEFA boundary, 1969-
188013_Organization of military and police, B-1880-(ii)-
194213_Tour Diary of P. O. Sadiya F. T. for 1942-
196914_B-1969-Assam-NEFA boundary, 1969-
197215_B-1972-Assam and Arunachal Pradesh boundary, 1972-
197216_B-1972-Demarcation of Assam and arunaqchal Pradesh boundary reduction of tension prevailing thereof, 1972-
197617_ B-1976-Boundary dispute between Mebo circle of Siang Dist and Dambuk circle of Lohit district, 1976-
19101_B-1910-Rumoured arrival of the chinese at Rima in Tibet-
19601_Personal File of lt.colonel U.N.Sharma IFAS Commissioner NEFA-
19591_Personal File of Shri K. Subramanium P.A TO SE NHTA-
19471_Tour Diary of Asstt. Political Officer Siang Vally and Abor Hills, 1947-
193720_Taxation is backward tracts under the chin hills regulation, 1896, (Regulation V of 1896)-
19762_Correspondence Regarding Opeingin of State bank of India Arunachal Pradesh, 1976-77-